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Home Uplift

NES believes that one of the best ways to help our customers is by helping them lower their energy costs. That’s why we have partnered with TVA to bring Home Uplift to our community. The Home Uplift program doesn’t just provide savings on utility bills – it creates changes that improve the quality of life for the residents of the home, making it possible for them to stay in their homes safely, longer. Eligible homes will receive up to $10,000 in energy-saving upgrades such as insulation, duct sealing, low-flow shower heads and more.

Review the criteria and complete the application for an evaluation of your home. Single family homes as well as rented homes are eligible to participate in Home Uplift.

Apply Now

Project Help is a long-standing program offered by NES that allows customers to add a specific dollar amount to their monthly bill payment. All collected funds are used to provide temporary utility bill assistance, managed and distributed by NeedLink Nashville.

Click “Learn More” to visit the website to see if you qualify for Project Help or click Apply Here to apply today.

The Metro Action Commission offers utility bill assistance to Davidson County residents through the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and HOPE program, in addition to their other services.

For customers outside of Davidson County, contact Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency to apply for utility bill assistance. Mid-Cumberland offers utility bill assistance through the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). MCCAA also offers an educational program to help make your home more energy efficient.

The Nashville Response Fund resource page was created to help you connect with local agencies which may be able to help you with much more than your utility bill.

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) offers utility bill assistance under the rental relief program. The online application can be found on the THDA portal or by calling the THDA Rent Relief call center (844-500-1112) and speaking with a program representative.

Help is here

We’ve always cared about our customers. And in times when they need us most, we get to prove it. If you are struggling to pay your power bill, don’t give up. We can help. If you’re not sure who to call or what to do, reach out. A real person will help you. Or if you prefer, you can use email. Together, we can get you through this.

Get In Touch

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NES issues a cutoff warning when you have an outstanding balance from the previous billing cycle. The improved bill design makes it easy to tell if you are behind. Past due balances are prominently displayed in a gold box under the total amount due. Most of the time, we can help you with a payment extension, so contact us right away. You can use our automated system to set it up quickly and easily.

If you need guidance, our Customer Relations Department is here for you. Made up of the most compassionate Nashvillians around, we want nothing more than to help you keep the power running in your home.

When you call one of our advisors, we will go through all your options that could include a payment extension or temporary bill assistance to address your immediate need. We can also walk you through billing programs like e-bill, Balanced Billing and Autopay that can help in the long run.

NES Customer Relations – 615-736-6900
Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What are we doing for
customers who can’t pay?
Everything we can.

Ways to Save

NES believes one of the best ways to help our customers is by helping them lower their energy costs. You can schedule a virtual or in-person home energy evaluation to learn what upgrades your home needs to be its most energy-efficient by registering here or call 1-855-237-2673

For questions about bill payments, service disconnections and more, visit our Help/FAQs page on our main website.

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